Websites, organizations, clubs: A list of ventures I started

Transition from non-active to active

1. CS-weekly /

Chinese culture.

2. pbwiki / / eastseal – / pkubio

My journey in website building started with Case Western Reserve University. When I initiated a pbwiki site to share information about Cleveland and Case Western. It didn’t get much attention. However, Zhong Wang, the former president was very encouraging. Then I get more interested in making websites. Besides, I also started these website: A news translation website about hanfu costumes in China. I followed Chinese news about hanfu and translate them into English. Hope I can bridge the language gap between east and western culture. The website eventually failed and I lost my enthusiasm. A few lessons learned: 1) I overestimated the needs for such information outside the Chinese culture. 2) I am not a hanfu expert or cult; I am not a big translation fan either 3) News translation is really of little value; and even those news themselves had little value. I originally planned to build a website devoted to Chinese seal carving. Met similar problems as hanfu. The need is low, not to mention in English; I am not really an expert, I cannot contribute that much. I ended up making an inactive website for my master LiShengShi. I felt we needed a website for our reunion. So I created this website. It’s doing what it supposed to do. I don’t think it will grow much as I originally speculated. We are still a loose organization.

3. BioEquity / PSIC

I have long been interested in finance and investing since the craze in 2007

4. Bike Club

I bought my Trek 7000 happily in August 2006, when summer is partly over. I rode back from the B&K bike store in Mayfield. Then I decided to start a bike club, which I always dreamed to join in college. Over the years, we had a few close members: Feng Xue, Qingjiang Li, Chao Fang. And a few pop-ups: Wang Yang, Wenqian Hu, Mingming Zhang. Lesson learned: those who are interested will always try to make it; those who are not interested will not come anyway.


Be Her Friend

Be Her Friend

by Yi Liu on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 5:26pm

Haven’t written any short poems for years (longer ones either). Inspired by lyrics of the Ballad of Serenity (Firefly TV series), I wrote these sentences to all the people who “could only be friends”.

Be Her Friend


Give your love, give your heart,
Give your attention that pushes her far;
She doesn’t care, she smiles in silence,
She says you are one of her friends.

Take her out, to the dates,
Tell her your deep secrets;
From the beginning, to the end,
She never thinks of you more than a friend.

Plenty other fish in the ocean,
Moving forward you pretend.
But she’d better just be one of your friends.

Allspice@MITBBS posted a reply which is pretty funny:

Save your love, save your heart,
Save your attention that pushes me away,
I don’t care, I only smile,
What I can tell is you are one of my friends.

Take me out, to the dates,
Tell me your deep secrets;
From the beginning, to the end,
You are anyone but more than a friend.

Plenty other fish in the ocean.
Moving forward you’d better be,
I enjoy just being one of your friends.

Lindsay Campbell的三段volvo广告

Lindsay Campbell 网络捧出来的美女,演员+Web Journalist, 在CBS做过主播,给Lowe’s Hallmark Miller等拍过广告。下面这三段是去年volvo的广告。觉得挺不错的 分享一下


Update #2: lavie.wordpress.com上的十多篇帖子也转了过来 这下齐活了 噢也

Update 04/27/2009: 昨晚使用fishy的同学的live space mover把live space上四年全部181篇帖子以及所有评论全部转了过来。发帖时间也全部保留,非常完美。大家可以点导航栏的archives查看。

Welcome to WordPress! Welcome to!正式上线第一帖!

M$ live space上的老帖子,目前只通过RSS导入了最近的30帖,而且没有评论。这里一个加拿大华人做了一个小工具可以导出所有帖子及评论,但是目前还有bug,不能正确处理发帖时间。所以我打算等这个bug修复以后把所有老帖都转过来!开通四年来一共 181帖!



facebook profile:

twitter: @6yi

再一次试图告别live space

以前曾经告别过一次(2006?) 转到blogger  或 wordpress.com但均以国内无法访问而告终


0. live space太烂了 sucks!

1. hotmail开通pop3了 俺决定告别hotmail
2. microblog流行 喊一嗓子的事情不用写blog了 直接facebook or twitter。而 blog则用来写稍有保留价值的内容
3. 不想继续被blog provider所限;最近积累一些自己架站的经验

拥抱自由 Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!

新站建起来之后 这里会留个链接 作为最后一文!

希望能成功告别live space!

已经是我们的时代了 看浙江卫视美女朱丹


btw: 俺们八零后——终于掌握话语权了! wahaha 下面该轮到90后挨批了



今年四月起武汉到合肥两小时 到南京3小时 到苏州4小时 到上海5小时…

以后京港全程 沪蓉全程都只要10小时 从武汉去北京、上海、堔港、成都四大城市都只要5个小时火车 想当年我坐公交从武昌火车站到汉口火车站都要两个多小时……武汉以后真的是九省通衢鸟~

这些部分已经实现 全部2012就能实现 …….

btw:我家潜江市也是沪汉蓉高铁一小站(有谁坐过动车组的告诉俺动车组停不停县级小站啊 估计够呛)在武汉到荆州段上 等了一百多年了 家乡终于要有铁路了 而且还是350公里/小时的高速铁路 哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈