

最近英国的一个实验心理学家的“运气实验室(Luck lab)”搞了一项有意思的科学研究。他们招了一些(700)打算买彩票的受试者,通过一个运气的心理问卷区别出自认为"Lucky People"和“Unlucky People”两个人群。





Lucky people are far more satisfied with all areas of their lives than unlucky or neutral people.

Lucky people expect good things to happen.

Lucky people score significantly higher than unlucky people on extroversion. Lucky people, for example, smile twice as often and engage in more eye contact than unlucky people do.

The lucky ones were half as anxious as the unlucky ones–that is, "because lucky people tend to be more relaxed than most, they are more likely to notice chance opportunities, even when they are not expecting them." In one experiment, Wiseman had volunteers count the number of photographs in a newspaper. Lucky subjects were more likely to notice on page two the half-page ad with the message in large bold type: STOP COUNTING–THERE ARE 43 PHOTOGRAPHS IN THIS NEWSPAPER.

Expectation also plays a role in luck. Lucky people expect good things to happen, and when they do they embrace them. But even in the face of adversity, lucky people turn bad breaks into good fortune.

3 thoughts on “运气的学问

  1. 你觉得自己很幸运,你就会真的变得很“幸运”。



  2. 好像没觉得自己是幸运儿哦,不过似乎好像确实没什么不幸运的……

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