
发信人: LikeCS (好铯), 信区: Military
标 题: 西方现在还是挺看得起中国的--近期科幻电影
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 27 10:00:37 2007)

我们自己还有信心 呵呵 from wikipedia

sunshine – 太阳浩劫
里面飞船乘员由american/asian 组成 这是导演的原话:
Director Danny Boyle chose to have an ensemble cast for Sunshine to
encourage a more democratic process, similar to the ensemble casts in Alien
and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Boyle also chose to have the cast be
international in order to reflect the mission’s purpose "on behalf of all
mankind".[2] The space crew in the film also consisted of American/Asian
nationality because of the filmmakers’ belief that the American and Chinese
space programs would be the most developed and economically empowered 50
years in the future.[3] The director had also received advice that there
would be advanced space programs with India and Brazil, but the advice was
overlooked to avoid creating a cast that was too disparate.

serenity – 宁静
This future envisioned in Serenity has two political and cultural centers:
Anglo-American and Chinese. Characters all speak English and Mandarin, with
the latter language reserved for the strongest curse words.[38] However, the
tones and pronunciation of these Mandarin words are barely recognizable to
the native Chinese speaker.

斯 北韩一类的 顺便提一提里面多次提到日本科技发达

A Chinese girl named Qiu Zhang.

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 76.243.]

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