Seasons of Los Angeles 洛城四季

最后的叶子落下的时候 When last leaf falls
你和冬天一起来到我身边 Along with Winter you come to me
海都不动了 Ocean remains still
我把蓝天给了你 I give you sky
把蓝色留给自己 Leaving myself the blue

第一朵蓝花楹绽开的时候 When first Jacaranda blooms
你和春天一起拂过窗前 Along with Spring you pass my window
星都不闪了 Stars no longer glow
我把雪山给了你 I give you snow peaks
把冰川留给自己 Leaving myself the ice

排排棕榈摇曳的时候 When palm trees waver
你和夏天一起漫过沙滩 Along with Summer you rush to shore
鸥都唱累了 Seagulls tired of singing
我把浪花给了你 I give you breakers
把涛声留给自己 Leaving myself the tides

满树桔子红了的时候 When oranges turn yellow
你和秋天一起掠过山林 Along with Autumn you glide across ridges
大地都燃烧了 Land is burning
我把晚霞给了你 I give you sunset
把暮光留给自己 Leaving myself the twilight

最初的雪花融化的时候 When first snowflake melts
你走过四季回到我身边 Through four seasons you back to me
心稳稳在跳 Heart goes on beating
我把生命给了你 I give you my life
把意义留给自己 Leaving myself the meaning

后面四段扩写 作于 2018.2.10 洛杉矶