看了BBC 的 Planet Earth

片子拍的很美,不愧是这几年的最牛的纪录片。一定要看David Attenborough解说的BBC原版;不要看Discovery Channel美版的。


万物有始必有终,也许等到伟大的智慧生命 – Homo Sapiens – 自己毁灭自己以后,地球生命能开始新的一轮美丽的循环吧

btw: 以后在俺心目中,环境主义者的形象远高于人道主义者。

女人的专业与男人的危机 – 中年危机 zz

前一阵关心中年危机 觉得这一段很有道理 与各位男士共勉

节选自 百度百科 中年危机条目


Last.FM – Web 2.0时代的在线音乐


前者一般是朋友推荐啊 网上论坛啊 电台电视什么的
后者一般是买CD啊 去图书馆啊 盗版下载等

其实效率都很低…… last.fm解决了这两个问题

前者,只要输入你喜欢的音乐,last.fm就会根据相似性给你推荐你也会喜欢的音乐,而且是带学习功能的;就像在豆瓣上你很容易找到你喜欢的书一样。这是web 2.0的伟大之处。

后者,last.fm以在线radio的形式播放你要的音乐 取之不尽 听之不绝。

我觉得,我以后再也不用下载歌曲了 因为有personalized radio: last.fm


我来的那年Case医学院PhD stipend涨到23,000USD。 至今已经保持四年了(05,06,07,08)。在今年惨淡的招生形势逼迫下,医学院领导相信,重金之下,必有勇夫。决定下一学年,(09年七月起),医学院PhD补助涨为25,000USD


中国人文纪录片之路 – 读书


前些年中国集中出了一批很优秀的纪录片 比如我手上有的《江南》《丝绸之路》《再说长江》我手上没有的《故宫》《徽商》《复活的军团》等 给近年娱乐化的电视界带来了一股清新的气息。这里摘录一篇研讨会的文章记录一下。最近有没有出什么好的纪录片,大家推荐一下? btw: 强烈推荐《江南》,超级享受。

2006年10月23日 14:19   稿件来源:读书




最应该感恩的免费软件 Free Software We’re Most Thankful For


The 46 Free Desktop Software
Applications, Webapps, and Projects We’re Most Thankful For

  1. Firefox (see
    also: The
    Power User’s Guide to Firefox 3
  2. VLC Media Player (see also: Master
    Your Digital Media with VLC
  3. Ubuntu (see also: Hardy
    Heron Makes Linux Worth Another Look
  4. Open Office (see also: A First
    Look at OpenOffice.org 3.0
  5. Pidgin (see also: Ten
    Must-Have Plug-ins to Power Up Pidgin
  6. Launchy (see also: Take
    Launchy beyond application launching
  7. Digsby (see also: Digsby
    Improves Performance, Supports LinkedIn
  8. Gmail (see also: Our full Gmail coverage)
  9. Adium (see also: Adium
    Chat Improves Menu Bar Item, Corrects Your IM Grammar
  10. CCleaner (see also: CCleaner 2.0
    Decrapifies Your PC


那些曾经听许巍的少年你们现在在哪里 – douban

许巍四十了 第五张个人专辑《爱如少年》

来自: 糖罐子





open source hardware – 从软到硬的开源运动 社会化生产的新纪元


这期<WIRED>连线杂志 特别栏目介绍了这两年兴起的开源硬件运动。开源软件伴着linux/gnu已经走过14个年头;随着硬件设计、反编译、测试能力的普及,硬件中国制造的低成本与自动化,开源硬件也终于迈上历史舞台,开始书写改变世界的一页。


Btw:就像IBM, google投资支持开源软件一样,大公司也会支持开源硬件。说不定将来有一天,大家开的汽车也会是开源社区贡献的呢!比如 Firefox汽车 哈哈

11 ways of staying focused – by Dave Cheong


June 21st, 2006 by Dave Cheong

Each of us have our busy lives and in this world of constant distractions, how can we stay focused on our goals? This article discusses several techniques I have found to work.

For me, there are always several things constantly competing for my time – articles to write, business opportunities to explore, links to follow up, my daily work, personal commitments etc. In my experience whenever I try to work on many things at the same time, none of them actually gets done.

In response, I’ve incorporated the following techniques for staying focused into my work patterns:

  1. Having well defined goals. I can’t stress the importance of this too much. Having goals which are well defined along good guidelines is key. I’ve found writing my goals down really helps. Whenever I get distracted, I read my goals and I’m reminded of what I am trying to do and why.
  2. Breaking things into bite sized chunks. Having broad high level goals are good but having an actionable plan is essential. A plan can identify how you can get from where you are to where you want go. Breaking goals into smaller actionable chunks (tasks) is great – it gives me motivation to start and allows me to get things done in one sitting.
  3. Prioritising constantly. To figure out which task I should be working on, I prioritise constantly. Some tasks are more important than others. Some tasks are more urgent than others. I’ve found that working on urgent tasks followed by tasks which have the greatest impact to work well for me – urgent tasks allow me to get things done on time and important tasks allow me to maximise the benefits I receive.
  4. Tracking progress vigorously. Each of us wants to improve our lives. However, it is easy to start with good intentions but more difficult to sustain commitment. I’ve found that by tracking my progress, I have more visibility on what I’ve done and can better gauge how much effort is left.
  5. Planning ahead without fail. Concentrating on the remaining effort can help reinforce commitment. Some might think they’ll get discouraged, however I haven’t found this to be the case because my tasks are bite sized and easy to finish. I’ve found it really helps to look at my goals and task lists periodically, so I can assess how much time it’ll take to do something and determine the best time to sit down and work on it.
  6. Rewarding myself when warranted. By all means focus on what’s outstanding, but also take stock of what’s done. I always reflect on what I’ve done, whether it is reading a post I did awhile ago or looking at the ticks I’ve made alongside my task lists. Whenever I accomplish a logical piece of work, I always reward myself. It really does help with maintaining motivation.
  7. Having positive patterns in my routine. I’ve found having good habits and positive patterns to be instrumental. At the moment, I can consistently get more done. As these patterns continue to establish into a routine, I’m finding that I can better judge the periods of the day in which I really need to focus and work.
  8. Removing distractions as best I can. The best way not to give in to temptation is not to have the option to. What seems to work for me is making the distractions difficult or inconvenient to access. Because it takes too much effort to indulge in the distraction, I find it is less likely for me to give in.
  9. Blocking out some time. In a previous post I wrote about waking up early and consistently. You don’t necessarily have to do this but I’ve found that having quiet time, set aside specifically for accomplishing a given task, to be very productive. I also tend to be more focused in the morning after a restful night.
  10. Keeping the results clear in mind. Instead of concentrating too much on the task at hand, sometimes I put some attention on the feelings I ultimately wish to experience. By focusing on the results, it is easier for me to maintain my motivation especially when working on things that I am not by nature motivated by.
  11. Enlisting my family and friends for help. I communicate with my family and friends about my goals all the time. Not only have they been helpful with gentle reminders whenever they see my behaviour is not consistent with my goals, but they also give me constant incentives to work at my goals and succeed.

11 ways of staying focused – by Dave Cheong

这实在是我现在最需要的:too many ideas and goals.


June 21st, 2006 by Dave Cheong

Each of us have our busy lives and in this world of constant
distractions, how can we stay focused on our goals? This article
discusses several techniques I have found to work.

For me, there are always several things constantly competing for my
time – articles to write, business opportunities to explore, links to
follow up, my daily work, personal commitments etc. In my experience
whenever I try to work on many things at the same time, none of them
actually gets done.

In response, I’ve incorporated the following techniques for staying focused into my work patterns:

  1. Having well defined goals. I can’t stress the importance of this too much. Having goals which are well defined along good guidelines
    is key. I’ve found writing my goals down really helps. Whenever I get
    distracted, I read my goals and I’m reminded of what I am trying to do
    and why.

more …..